04G Barcelona White Wins Premier Division of NorCal State Cup
/[9 February, 2017 by Grace Chan] Under Head Coach, Paul Ratcliffe, and Assistant Coach, Afshin Shafie, Barcelona White capped a successful fall season with a thrilling win in the U13 Premier Division of the NorCal State Cup on Feb 4. After beating Mustang 04G pre-ECNL Red in the semi-finals 2-0, the team faced California Odyssey South G04 Black in the championship match. Trailing 2-1 in the second half, they evened it up in the last few minutes of the game, sending it into overtime and then to penalty kicks. The girls remained strong and pulled through, winning 3-2 (penalty kicks, 6-5). Congratulations to Barcelona White and their coaches for a great season!