MVLA Player Code of Conduct
The following code of conduct is being implemented so that you know what is expected of you as a player of MVLASC. MVLASC players are expected to act like reasonable and prudent individuals, who represent the club, and individual teams on and off the field. The club holds its coaches and parents to a code of conduct and feels it is equally important that players know their responsibilities both on and off the field.
MVLASC values hard work, commitment, and excellence both on and off of the field. As a club, we believe that a player's commitment to training sessions and games will not only help the club's success, but will also contribute to that individual’s personal ability to continually improve, as well as to each team's quality of play.
Athletes play soccer to have fun, to learn, to develop a passion for the game, and to improve their skills. In doing so, they represent their team, coach, parents and community.
MVLASC expects its players to maintain a high level of sportsmanship and fair play. Players must show respect for the game, the coach, teammates, opponents, and the authority of the referee and his/her assistants. This is demonstrated as follows:
- will play within the laws of the game and spirit of the game
- are expected to be on time (meaning arriving at the requested time, not when the match/training starts) and prepared for matches and training sessions
- will display self-control in all situations and will not use foul or abusive language at any time before, during or after a match or training session
- shall train and play to the best of their ability, have a positive attitude and encourage others to do the same. Negative comments by players will not be tolerated. The coach should speak to the player to make sure they understand what is acceptable and what is not. The coach should have a similar conversation with the team. The first offense is a warning and should be used to educate the player. The second offense can result in a game suspension, and the third can possibly be expulsion from team and club
- will show respect towards the referee and his/her assistants as well as towards the opponents. They will not harass, abuse, or berate a referee for any reason.
Any time a MVLASC team travels, players are expected to:
- Act appropriately and avoid circumstances that could negatively represent the club and its members.
- Dress and act appropriately at meals, in hotel lobbies, and during special events.
- Always be mindful that their actions represent the entire MVLASC community.
A player should feel it is safe and acceptable to bring questions or issues to the coach’s attention and that the coach will respond in an appropriate and timely manner. The coach will decide how to address matters raised and if the question/issue needs to include parents in the conversation or others within the club (technical director, team manager or board member) to most effectively handle it. Players should be aware that the time immediately before or after a game is dedicated to match preparation/close out and not the best time to bring up questions to club staff. We encourage players to reach out to their coach at a different time either in person, or via email or text. Situations that cannot be adequately resolved may be escalated following club processes. Please note that only parents can initiate and complete the club Escalation Form. Once a matter has not been resolved between a player and coach, the escalation process occurs between the parent and MVLA official (coach, team manager, board member). The Escalation form can be found at HERE.
Players are expected to attend every practice, unless that practice has been deemed optional by the coaching staff. If a player cannot attend practice due to unforeseen circumstances, then that player is required to notify their coach as soon as it is possible to do so. For changes to availability on a game day, the player (or parent if a younger player) should text the coach and advise if the player can no longer participate in a game. For practices, the parent should annotate the change in availability in Teamsnap and contact the coach or team manager in line with whatever expectations that coach/team has in place additionally.
Players are expected to wear the appropriate practice gear (shirts, shorts, shin guards, and proper shoes) and may be denied participation if they fail to do so.
All players must bring a properly inflated ball and water to practices and games unless instructed otherwise.
- Players are expected to arrive and be ready for warm up at least 45 minutes prior to kickoff or as designated by the staff coach.
- Players should be outfitted in the appropriate uniform apparel as identified in game day communications through Teamsnap. However, all players should bring all uniforms to every game.
- Be aware that playing time is earned. Coaches do take into account player commitment, work ethic, behavior and skill set in determining match lineups.