MVLA Parent Code of Conduct
The following code of conduct is being implemented so that you, as parents of MVLASC players, will know what is expected of you. As a club, we expect our parents to act like reasonable and prudent individuals, who represent the club positively on and off the field. The club holds its coaches and players to a code of conduct and feels it is equally important that parents know their responsibilities/expectations both on and off the field.
Who we are and what we value
MVLASC values hard work, commitment, and excellence both on and off of the field. MVLASC believes that its parents can play a vital role in impacting and positively representing the MVLA community through the examples we set to our players/children.
To ensure the best possible experience for our players and in the spirit of good sportsmanship, we expect our parents (and any family/friends who come with them to games as spectators) to be positive and supportive to all players. Parents/Spectators participate in a match by watching, cheering and supporting the efforts of all participants of the match. Soccer should be fun. The game is for the players; their participation and enjoyment of the game is the most important element.
Still, parents have responsibilities to the coach, to the team, and to the entire MVLASC.
- Parents/Spectators must respect the authority of the referee and his/her assistants. They will not harass, abuse, or berate the referee during or after the match. They shall not enter the field of play unless, in an emergency, a staff member or referee asks them to.
- Parents/Spectators are expected to respect the staff coaches and their assistants. They should never criticize a coach in public.
- Parents (including team managers) are not permitted to coach from the sideline. This behavior is distracting and disruptive to spectators and players alike. Parents who repeatedly coach from the sidelines may be asked to no longer attend games. Game day communication is great but under no circumstances is there any shouting or coaching from the sidelines. Encourage the players, but there is ONE coach who is responsible for player instruction and coaching, let him or her do the coaching, let the game be the teacher…
- Parents/Spectators are expected to show respect to all players. Make only positive comments. Encourage both teams, and never berate either team. Cheer in a way to reward the good play of both teams, and promote fair play.
- Parents/Spectators must not use foul or abusive language for any reason.
- Parents/Spectators have a responsibility to learn the laws of the game, and the spirit of the game. MVLASC is beginning to integrate more parent education to enhance the enjoyment of the game for all of our families.
- Parents/Spectators are encouraged to get involved with MVLASC and promote it in a positive way. MVLASC offers many great volunteer and community based opportunities for our families to become more involved.
- Parents/Spectators (including team managers) must demonstrate sportsmanship and integrity. They are the role models for their children. Team managers, even though volunteer in these roles, are considered MVLA officials for the role taken on in support to the team, coach and players.
- Parents commit to supporting the player’s ability to attend every practice, game and training session.
- Parents are welcome to watch practices, but should not be a distraction to their child or the team as a whole. Please keep in mind that pets and siblings can also distract players and staff.
- Parents are responsible for complying with field rules at MVLA SC practices and games and will adhere to all posted signage.
- Parents will help support team game day needs. Typical roles for which parents may be asked to help out can include field set up or field take down or transporting the team bench or tent to and from games. Additional game day roles supporting their player’s team may include bringing and replenishing medical/trainer kits or bringing extra water or anything else that the team needs to meet its league requirements of a safe field as required.
- Parents are also responsible for knowing and understanding the player code of conduct and supporting their child to abide by those parameters as well.
A parent should feel it is acceptable to bring questions or issues to the coach’s, team manager’s or a board member’s attention and that the person contacted will respond in an appropriate and timely manner. Communications will be acknowledged in a timely manner (typically no more than 2-3 days) with appropriate follow up as needed. Communications that are not responded to or handled satisfactorily may be escalated following club processes. It is the parent’s role to escalate items either not personally resolved or those for which his or her player has been unable to get addressed. Click HERE for Escalation Form.
Availability Changes
If a player cannot attend practice due to unforeseen circumstances, then that player is required to notify their coach as soon as it is possible to do so. For changes to availability on a game day, the player (or parent if a younger player) should text the coach and advise if the player can no longer participate in a game. For practices, the parent should annotate the change in availability in Teamsnap and contact the coach or team manager in line with whatever expectations that coach/team has in place additionally.
Conflict Management
Should conflict arise between MVLASC coaches, players, or parents it is required that such confrontations be addressed in the appropriate manner (with respect), and at the appropriate time (privately). While the coaches are committed to open communication with parents, there is a certain process that should be observed. In particular, the time before and during a game is dedicated to the players. It is not appropriate for a parent to approach a coach to discuss game or individual player concerns at this time. The coach will be happy to set up a meeting/phone call to address parent concerns at a time that will not interfere with the attention required by the players. An exception to this request is an incident when a player is injured. The coaches will be available immediately after a game to discuss the situation and any concerns with parents.
It is understood by accepting a roster spot for their child on an MVLASC team that the parents are committing to pay club and teams fees for their player(s) in a timely fashion. If parents fall behind in payment, their player(s) may not be allowed to train with the team, and/or may be ineligible for any games while fees remain outstanding. Injury or quitting the team does not release the player from meeting the club dues obligations set forth by the team. The club Reimbursement Policy can be found on the Parent page.