NCAA Recruiting Guidelines. Be familiar with the guidelines outlining communication with College Coaches
Be Proactive! When you have an upcoming showcase tournament or games where college coaches are likely to attend, be sure to introduce yourself and invite coaches to your games a few weeks prior to the events via email. Follow up with an email to again invite them to your games the week of the event. Follow up again with each program post-event. Remember, you are trying to catch their attention.
Be sure to stay in touch via email throughout the year as tournaments draw near. These emails should be short, professional, and a way to update the coach on your most recent career and performances. Also, a good way to stay in touch is to send an email during their season to congratulate them on a recent win...etc., to ensure you remain on their recruiting radar. Be polite and persistent.
Tip #1: Your initial email should be concise and to the point. Include:
Introduction of yourself (name, high school graduation year, club/team, position, jersey number)
Player’s interest in their program and college
Player’s upcoming game schedule
Player profile/resume and video, if you have one.
Note: a short (3-5 minute) highlight video of good quality is a great tool that can be emailed/sent to college programs of interest in order to catch the coaching staff’s attention.
Tip #2: Make it personal
Personalize the letter to the program. Mention a specific fact about their program or the college that you appreciate or congratulate them on a specific win or overall record of the past season…etc.
Tip #3: Always send your initial emails to the Head Coach AND Assistant coaches.
Tip #4: The subject header of your email should include: your name, graduation year, a club team.
Tip #5: Proof Read! Be sure to double-check and have a parent, coach, or friend look over your letter to be sure there are no grammar or spelling mistakes.
Phone calls: You are always welcome to call the coach. Be advised: there are NCAA regulations that don’t allow coaches to call you back. See NCAA Recruiting Guidelines above. Be prepared with questions to ask.
Team Manager Tips: Create a Team roster/profile to pass out to coaches scouting at showcases and games.
Mountain View Los Altos Soccer Club
MVLA is committed to developing strong, technically proficient soccer players who reach their potential both on and off the field.